Environmental survey
Further than hydrographical and geophysical surveys we also provide environmental services. For instance in connection with dredging in ports we´ve monitored the amount of suspended materials with measurements of CTD and water samples in order to fulfill environmental requirements implemented by governmental control.
Habitat-mapping with ROV or other camera devices which can also be combined with backscatter from our geophysical surveys, Salinity, pH, turbidity and temperature profiles measured with CTD MIDAS 400+, Water sampling with Hydro Bios for chemical analysis (pollution, PAH:s, TBT), Sediment sampling to encounter in fauna with van Ween grabber or core sampler.
We also perform environmental reports, modelling, presentations and statistics which can be provided by our experienced staff with thorough knowledge in marine biology, chemistry and oceanography.
We work constantly developing and improving our personnel, operations and services so that each completed assignment will be a recommendation for future missions.